Thursday, January 13, 2011

Becoming one of those bloggers I no longer follow because of their wordy posts

Since entering 2011 our family has been in a bit of a fog. I blame it on the smallest Westra, who has decided that sleep is not a huge priority for her. This will explain the lack of blog posts and, for that matter, the lack of motivation to get out of the house or even out of our pajamas, as well as Zeke's steady diet of Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Nick Jr. (which resulted in another broken bone, another bout with the flu, and serious meltdowns over strange things - like me not understanding what he means by "not cold ice"). So, have I justified not updating the blog for 2 weeks?

This week we came up with a plan to end this ongoing nightmare and last night was the beginning of our attempt to get O to sleep through the night. I wanted to reward myself with some good coffee this morning so I convinced Z to get in the car (it took apple juice in the Starbucks cup and goldfish crackers). It was a little more challenging to convince him that O should go with us. He insisted we should leave her at home and that "Jesus will take care of her." We all ended up in the car but a wrong turn on my part led us to Starbucks and not the drive-thru Coffee Bean I had intended. So, into Starbucks we all marched in our pajamas and slippers. Z wanted to hang out for awhile so we sat and watched the nicely dressed (not in their pajamas) customers pass through the store. Z had a question about pretty much every person that walked through the door, "What does that lady got?" "Why does that guy have keys?" And then announced to the entire store that he had to use the bathroom. As we waited outside the occupied bathroom for several minutes I began to dread even more the thought of exposing myself and my children to this public restroom, but Zeke insisted that we wait, explaining to me, "I want to be patient." Awesome.

So, this is really why we don't get out much. Because he is almost three and I am always tired and we both prefer to stay in our pajamas all day. But we are working on it. And I hope things will be different in a couple of weeks or months or years. We'll see.

And some pictures. Because I know that's the only reason you check our blog.