Thursday, August 30, 2012

Reflecting on Family

My dear friend Kristin gave me the opportunity to participate in her summer series, "Embodying Love" on her blog, A Beautiful Mess. It was fun to spend some time reflecting on the story of our family. Thanks, Kristin!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

All Aboard the Choo Choo Train

(Have you heard this unforgettable song by DC and Genevieve? It plays on our Pandora Station. It's been in my head for about 2 months.)
A couple of weeks ago we took a super fun train ride to South Pasadena to get some ice cream at Busters. The kids loved it! I took so many pictures. Jeff was a little embarrassed, which was awesome because that doesn't happen often. I rarely do embarrassing things. Can't wait to take another trip soon!




Monday, August 27, 2012

Summah Time

We've been cooling off in the front yard lately. Olive always brings Daphne along.

Yes, she is a clone of her Auntie Amy. My genes have proven to be the big losers when it comes to these two kids. Maybe I'll have a shot with this next one.

 He's a little camera shy.

I have to admit, the Buzz Lightyear water rocket is much more fun when it is horizontal. Especially when Olive gets a hold of it. And a neighbor happens to walk by. (No pictures of this scenario, though it happens often, and I would love to document it in a non-awkward way.)

(Yes, they do own bathing suits. But underwear is much easier. The heat has made us a little lazy around here.)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

O is 2!

Our baby girl's birthday fell on the weekend of our annual church retreat. No need to worry, this family is always looking for an excuse to extend the birthday celebration for as long as possible. We had a little party with her church family up in the mountains and then we had a little breakfast party with the rest of our family back at home. We had a great time celebrating our girl!

Our big 2 year old had her first ride on the Alpine Slide!
Brownies with her besties.

She had fun going through the box of birthday treats from Ne'.

Then, we celebrated our fairy princess at home.

Dear Olive,
You are one funny girl. Your sense of humor sometimes makes it hard for your dad and me to follow through on consequences (I think you have already realized this). You understand people in a way that amazes me and also makes me a little nervous. You absolutely love your brother and want to be just like him. You are super social - you love to say "Good morning" to every person we pass on our morning walks. You are a sweet mama to all of your babies. You love to rock and nurse them. You also love music and you are a fabulous dancer. We love you so much, O.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Oops, it's been three months

I know it's totally lame that I'm posting about birthdays that happened months ago, but I seriously think this will be the only way our family has a photobook, so if  you're looking for posts about current events and also trying to stay away from run-on sentences, you should probably start reading another blog. With that said...

Happy Birthday Zeker!

We let him choose between a party and a day at Disneyland. It was an easy decision for our little introvert.

He had his very first rootbeer. I think it was the highlight of his day.

Lots of treats that day.

Oh Buddy, you're so cute. And so easy to please.

Jeff was super excited that Zeke was finally tall enough to ride Space Mountain. Zeker was a little nervous. Does the fake smile give him away?

And then, we ended up having a little family party anyway. Pancakes and pajamas.

You are such a sweet four year old. You are kind and eager to please. You are a thoughtful friend and brother. You love to wrestle and play Star Wars with your dad. You can be very particular - you definitely know what you want! You always take your time when you are creating and building. You love to learn and explore. We love you so much, Buddy.