Thursday, November 18, 2010

She's all grown up!

Baby Olive Joy Peanut has been doing all sorts of amazing things lately. Crawling all over the house, using the furniture to pull herself up into a standing position, eating new and interesting foods, and, most exciting of all, establishing a regular sleeping schedule. It is a really fun stage and she continues to be a happy and super laid back little girl.

She liked the peas and carrots.

She wasn't a big fan of the banana.

And he has suddenly become really interested in eating his meals in the booster seat.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


This past weekend was kind of rough. Just a little physically and emotionally exhausting. On Saturday night I was feeling sad and tired and all I wanted for dinner was a cupcake. I, instead, made two dozen cupcakes for breakfast on Sunday morning. The boxed kind...with canned icing...and, you know, partially hydrogenated oil listed as the second ingredient. This may explain why Zeke looked like this by Sunday afternoon...

Anyway, thank goodness for a new week. On Monday I was feeling better and even a little holiday-ish, so I decided to try out a new stuffing recipe to have with dinner. I have been responsible for bringing stuffing (dressing? what is the correct term?) to the Thanksgiving table the past two years. I have gone with the traditional Wallace stuffing recipe, which is delicious and a favorite, but this year I wanted to try something new. I found it! I used the prepackaged corn bread stuffing from Trader Joe's as a base, just to make things a bit easier. It was delicious and I am excited to have it again next week at our Thanksgiving dinner. And, by the way, I am happy to report that Zeker has gone through sugar detox and is looking like a new man.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

My friend Praise

Yesterday we said goodbye to our friend, Praise Goh. It is so strange when someone you know and love is suddenly gone. I had not seen her in over a year and I regret that. Somethings I loved about my friend...when she asked how I was, she really wanted to know and would take the time to listen...she laughed at stupid things I would say, always making me feel like she enjoyed being with me...she wasn't afraid to take risks or to challenge herself in new ways...she was faithful to her friends and to what she believed. I love you Praisy. I will miss you.

Friday, November 12, 2010


Three of the four Westras have been feeling a bit under the weather for the past week or so. However, that hasn't stopped the smallest Westra from getting into some trouble.

Getting on the computer.

Finishing off the last of the bunny fruit snacks.

Attacking Chuck.

I know this looks innocent enough, but she's actually...

watching Blues Clues. She knows she's not allowed to watch TV.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Busy Boy

This crazy kid has been busy this week.

Jumping in front of the camera when I'm trying to get a cute shot of his sister.

Making sure everyone is wearing a headband.

Opening up a brand new bottle of shampoo and pouring all of it into the bath.

Unrolling an entire roll of toilet paper.

Dumping out a 3 1/2 pound bag of candy (this is seriously the last thing we need) and sorting it by shape and color.

He is driving us all a little crazy.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Trick or Treasure!

We had two nights of Halloween fun this past weekend. Saturday night was spent with our church friends in downtown Monrovia (with beautiful pictures taken by Megan). Sunday was spent doing a little trick or treating and then heading over to Baseline for the Annual Pumpkin Bash! So, you know what that means...double Halloween fun = double Halloween pictures. Sorry there are so many, but my kids are so darn cute I'm having a hard time not putting every picture in.

"Oh-mazing!" was Zeke's response when he saw the pumpkins Jeff carved. Doesn't my husband have some amazing carving skills?!

Eating a donut with no hands. He did a pretty good job - donuts really motivate him.

He was fascinated with Taylor's costume. He literally could not keep his eyes off of him.

Auntie Cokes was an oven. How appropriate!

Looking forward to consuming all of our leftover candy.