Monday, November 11, 2013

We heart Halloween

I really love Halloween. And not because I am into spooky stuff (my sister - who insists I had a brief Goth phase - would beg to differ), but because I love dressing up and I love to play pretend. (But I don't love to play pretend when it comes to Baby Pet Store. Please no more Baby Pet Store.) I also really enjoy making costumes for our kids. This year our two oldest went a little out of the box with their costumes. And it was so fun!

Flamingo Fairy & Headless Boy. What a pair.

Unfortunately, our little elephant was not into his costume. 

He refused to leave the ears on, so he went as a cute baby in a grey velvet sweat suit.

Jeff and I went as two of our favorite people. Any guesses?

 We did not anticipate the amount of attention Headless Boy would attract. It was a little much. Next year he's planning on something a bit more low key.

Despite the crowds, we were still able to spend time with some of our favorite Monrovians.

And our favorite Ne Ne.

When we got home, Smilas decided to make the night even more memorable by taking his first steps. At nine months!

Silas - you are supposed to be our easy child. Put your ears back on and sit down. We are not ready for this.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Super STAR

Today our little guy was named one of Monroe Elementary School's STAR students. Over the past month he has been very determined to get this award and this morning he woke up feeling confident - "Mom, I know I'm going to get star student."
Oh, buddy, I love how you work so hard to get what you want.
  Students! Thinking! (and) Acting! Responsibly!
He was so very proud of his accomplishment. And we were, too.
Considering the chaos that has become a part of our daily routine, it is incredible that this child can remain so focused for 6 hours of every day. It gives me hope because maybe it means we have done something right with this kid.
Not feeling as confident about the other two.

She will only call us by our first names and, at 3 1/2, refuses to sleep through the night.
He went for a joy ride in the grocery cart at Sprouts last week. If it weren't for the elderly man who was repeatedly honking his horn to get my attention, I wouldn't have noticed my nine month old speeding swiftly away from me and through the parking lot at a steady pace.

Oh buddy, I am so sorry. It's not your fault that with every child I birth a little part of my brain dies.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Life slows down for us on Tuesdays. It's the one day in our week that is usually unscheduled, giving me a chance to reconnect with this 3 1/2 year old, middle child.
 Last Tuesday we made pumpkin scones,

 while Trotro made a mess.
This week she helped me prep the potatoes for dinner.


She loves to help. :)
I love this sweet, imaginative girl who makes me laugh and constantly surprises me. For whatever reason, we sometimes exhaust each other. I'm feeling grateful for these mornings with no rushing, no distractions, and little agenda. I love it when we allow ourselves to have all the time we need.