Thursday, September 30, 2010


The other day, I let Zeke play with the hair dryer while I got ready. I know, I know...this is a bad idea. I'll try not to let it happen again.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

We're morning people

Our day begins early in the Westra home. It works out well for us, though. We like our mornings. We all seem to get excited about the prospect of a new day.

We get to enjoy some time outside.

Before it gets too hot to play in the dirt...

find a roly poly...

or ride a bike.

He gets to enjoy his morning refreshment.

And I get to enjoy mine.

And we sit on our blanket and watch the busy world rush off to work or school. And we enjoy this short season of life which feels full and sometimes tiring, but never rushed. And even though I sometimes day dream about all that I'll get done when they are both in school and I have the house to myself...I know I'll miss these quiet mornings.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Meet me at 3rd & Fairfax

We had a fun breakfast date with Grandma Evie this past weekend at the LA Farmers Market.

First, we had to get some fresh fruit. Zeker waited in line with Grandma and clung to the stuffed Eeyore she brought for him.

We had a delicious breakfast of french toast, bacon and eggs.

Followed by a little dessert.

Lovin' the fresh apple fritter from Bob's.

We walked around the Grove and Z played in the fountain. We didn't see any of the usual B movie stars, but we did see paparrazi, so someone worth photographing was there. I guess we're a little out of the loop when it comes to movie stars.

We always have a great time with Grandma Evie!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Not what we expected

We had to forgo the outing scheduled for this morning due to a swollen eye and a tired boy. I was bummed, but we found other things to fill our day. A trip to Walmart (I know, I've sold out completely), a reenactment of the Broadway musical Rent (well, not a total reenactment, the themes are a bit mature for a 2 year old) and lots of eating.

After his nap we were feeling a little snacky, so we made some of these babies.

But making these...

resulted in this.

I cleaned the mess and Z opened the mail.

The five month old refused to stay where I put her.

We had a picnic dinner in the front yard and realized we were still hungry. So we drove to Henry's at 6 pm and bought a rotisserie chicken.

Zeke wore this to the grocery store.

The day was not what we had expected. But it was pretty fun.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Nothing Creepy

Ok, so I've heard from more than one person that we are tired of looking at Creepster. Here are some random shots from last week. Their first bath together!

I love the way she looks at him. She just loves her brother.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Something for my girl

I love to sew, especially clothing, but I have put off making anything for Olive because she has SO many clothes. It seems like it would be a waste. However, last week I was inspired to make a little something for her to wear to the Wallace Family reunion. I used the Wallace plaid stored in my fabric box--I had been saving it for something special. This was definitely special. Her first homemade dress and finished just in time to wear to the reunion. I know she's mostly Dutch, but we can't let her forget her Scottish heritage. Pro Libertate!

We had lots of family in town including my Great Aunt Mary.

And Great Aunt Faith (who calls Olive "O Joy" - cute, huh?).

I enjoy every moment spent with these women. I love hearing their stories and remembering our family heritage. I am so glad my kids have the chance to know them and love them, too.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

From swimming pools to sweaters

And we are loving this (brief) change in weather.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Need a Super Hero?

His motto: Safety first.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Friday, September 3, 2010

Highlights from our week

Olive's dedication was on Sunday. It was such a special time to celebrate her birth and to pray and hope about her future with our family and church community.

Zeke had a successful trip to Disneyland--lots of opportunities to catch up with some old friends.