Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Not what we expected

We had to forgo the outing scheduled for this morning due to a swollen eye and a tired boy. I was bummed, but we found other things to fill our day. A trip to Walmart (I know, I've sold out completely), a reenactment of the Broadway musical Rent (well, not a total reenactment, the themes are a bit mature for a 2 year old) and lots of eating.

After his nap we were feeling a little snacky, so we made some of these babies.

But making these...

resulted in this.

I cleaned the mess and Z opened the mail.

The five month old refused to stay where I put her.

We had a picnic dinner in the front yard and realized we were still hungry. So we drove to Henry's at 6 pm and bought a rotisserie chicken.

Zeke wore this to the grocery store.

The day was not what we had expected. But it was pretty fun.

1 comment:

  1. Those chocolate yogurt muffins look amazing! It's so neat that you can record your life this way. Thanks for sharing it with all of us!
    Aunt Linda
