Saturday, March 27, 2010

Mom of the Year

I've started to question my competency when it comes to parenting. It seems to me that they should have some sort of test that must be passed before two people are allowed to procreate. Let me just say that things have felt a little out of control around here this week. Allow me to list a few examples:
  • I've started using donuts to wean my child.
  • Yesterday I tried to feed my son the world's most disgusting pancakes (I learned the hard way that mixing up the measurements for salt and sugar will, believe it or not, result in something inedible--no matter how much syrup is on it).
  • Tonight Zeke's teeth were brushed with acne medication.
  • Our house is just a few more accidents away from smelling like a men's restroom since I cannot manage to get a diaper on my two year old (even though I have about 125 pounds on the kid).
I know there are moments when Zeke looks at me and thinks, "Why can't she just get her act together?" I guess I am teaching him not to expect perfection. I think his wife will thank me one day.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Spring Banner Tutorial

Spring Banner
(original instructions found in The Creative Family)

Step 1: Hit up your local fabric shop. (In this case, we took a field trip to Michael Levine in the Garment District downtown. It has a much better selection than Joanns.)

Purchase the following items:
2 yards of fabric (I bought eight 1/4 yard pieces)
6 yards of double sided bias tape
thread to match the tape

Step 2 (technically part of Step 1): Feed busy/hungry/grabby toddler lots of snacks while perusing the aisles for your favorite spring patterns.

Step 3: Cut fabric into triangular pieces. I wanted a front and back to my banner and was able to get 3 triangle sets from each 1/4 yard of fabric. Optional: Trim sides of triangle (not the top) with pinking shears.

Step 4: Lay out fabric with bias tape to determine the pattern that works best with your fabric pieces.

Step 5: Sew triangles together (sides only, not the top) with right sides facing out.

Step 6: With your fabric stacked in the order you determined in Step 4, begin to sew the triangles into the bias tape. I found that I did not need to pin the banner together first. I just slipped each triangle in as I sewed.

Step 7: Feel springy as you sit back and enjoy your new Spring Banner! (This picture does not really do the "springy-ness" justice. It was taken at 9:30 at night, after finally getting my sick little boy to fall asleep.)

Back in January I made a reusable birthday banner for Zeke's birthday. I added "Happy Birthday" to the banner by using a very simple applique technique. I really like how it turned out and am excited to use it for years to come.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sew Fun

My mom and sisters recently offered to throw me a shower for Westra Baby 2, but since there is really nothing we need, I suggested a fun day together instead. We spent the day eating (homemade quiche and apple fritters for breakfast, Chick-fil-A for lunch, sushi for dinner) and sewing. It was a perfect day. I made a Mama Bag (pattern found in Amanda Soule's book, Handmade Home), Courtney and my mom made a blanket (even has our baby's name stitched on the side--I am that confident this is another boy) and Kari made a sailboat mobile (wish I had a closer picture of it--it is so beautiful). Courtney is also working on a spring banner for her mantle. (I am working on one, as well, and will post about it soon. Just need to finish it.) I had so much fun hanging out with my family, eating good food and creating fun things for this little person who will be joining our family soon.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

It was a pretty good day

We started the day off right with a St. Patrick's Day
cupcake at 6 a.m.

Then off to Disneyland to celebrate Sonia's birthday.

He went on the Matterhorn for the first time today--he LOVED it!

This afternoon he had a chance to cool down a bit
with Dad in the sprinklers.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Monday, March 8, 2010

Dinner Time Dilemma

I really love the experience of making dinner. It is one of my favorite ways to unwind at the end of the day. I open the windows, pour myself a little glass of wine, turn on NPR and immediately begin to relax. There is a certain someone in our home, however, who can turn this beautiful experience into something not quite as pleasant. I don't want to point any fingers, but I will say that this person is on the smallish side and enjoys running through the house wearing nothing but a superhero mask. (Still not sure who I am referring to? Don't worry, the mystery will be revealed in the pictures below.)

Lately, I have been able to protect my sacred dinner-making time by keeping the little one occupied with one of his favorite pastimes--mess-making. A little bit of flour, water and some mixing bowls and measuring cups and he is a happy camper. A tub of beans, bowls and action figures and he is occupied for at least 20 minutes (this is a miraculous amount of time).

So what if this is what my kitchen looks like at the end of the day? I have had my "me" time and he has had his. We get to enjoy a delicious dinner together. We go to bed happy, less stressed, and with a feeling of accomplishment. So I say, bring on the mess.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Jeff is concerned...

but I have to admit it can be a little bit flattering to have someone following you around everyday and copying everything you do.

Wearing your shoes...



and makeup.

It can be very humbling, too, when I realize what an enormous responsibility we have. He watches what we do more than he listens to what we say. He seriously knows how to apply mascara (ok, not perfectly, but he's getting there, which explains Jeff's concern). It makes me so thankful for all of the adults in his life (family and friends) who love him and daily invest in his life.