Monday, March 8, 2010

Dinner Time Dilemma

I really love the experience of making dinner. It is one of my favorite ways to unwind at the end of the day. I open the windows, pour myself a little glass of wine, turn on NPR and immediately begin to relax. There is a certain someone in our home, however, who can turn this beautiful experience into something not quite as pleasant. I don't want to point any fingers, but I will say that this person is on the smallish side and enjoys running through the house wearing nothing but a superhero mask. (Still not sure who I am referring to? Don't worry, the mystery will be revealed in the pictures below.)

Lately, I have been able to protect my sacred dinner-making time by keeping the little one occupied with one of his favorite pastimes--mess-making. A little bit of flour, water and some mixing bowls and measuring cups and he is a happy camper. A tub of beans, bowls and action figures and he is occupied for at least 20 minutes (this is a miraculous amount of time).

So what if this is what my kitchen looks like at the end of the day? I have had my "me" time and he has had his. We get to enjoy a delicious dinner together. We go to bed happy, less stressed, and with a feeling of accomplishment. So I say, bring on the mess.


  1. that last picture stresses me out just a bit.

  2. What a great mom you are! I think it's a beautiful mess!
