Thursday, December 30, 2010

Gettin' out of the house

This morning, after two meltdowns involving bunny fruit snacks and chocolate milk, we forced our precious children into their car seats and drove to the El Monte airport to watch the planes take off.

O Joy was looking super cute in a new outfit.

While Z was wearing his usual Buzz Lightyear sunglasses and ketchup mustache. Sigh.

We were super classy and ate our fast food lunch on the small deck outside of the airport restaurant.

She loves him. So much.

I was feeling sad that neither one of my kids wanted to take a picture with me.

But, being a Bixby girl, I was totally willing to pose for a picture alone.

We didn't see any planes take off...but Z was super excited to see a guy riding a bike on the runway, exclaiming "Look! That guy brought his Kazam! It has two wheels!"


  1. So when is baby #3 coming?
    I likey O's outfit! Just missing her bow...

  2. Looks like Zeke had "Chicken Nuggets"!

  3. Our photo albums are full of pictures of Craig and the boys. It was hard for their grad videos to find anything decent with me in them. So you go ahead and pose, with or without their cooperation!

    Aunt Linda
