Tuesday, October 26, 2010

We did, We didn't

Today we did:
Create three artistic masterpieces
Stay within a 1 block radius of our home
Try to keep Olive from putting everything in her mouth
Set up the coolest train track in our living room
Rearrange the furniture in our dining room and kitchen
Try to listen to and have patience with one another
Play Super Cape

Today we didn't:
Change out of our pajamas or brush our teeth until after 4 pm
Fold the laundry that has been on the couch since Sunday
Totally succeed in listening, being patient or keeping things out of O's mouth
Listen to Rent once (...we listened to it twice)
Continue our three week streak of being absentee bloggers

Summoning Jackson Pollock in the front yard

Masterpiece #1

I am getting really good at building these. Seriously thinking about asking for some more tracks for Christmas...if I just had a few more of those double joining pieces I could do SO much more!!

And it's still on the couch.

Masterpiece #2 - the first Christmas tree of the season! And just to the right of it you'll notice Zeke's contribution - "Monster. Have ears. Have nose. Have shooting gun. Shooting people." Fabulous.

Masterpiece #3 - I'm better at building train tracks than painting portraits, but Z liked it.


  1. thank you for giving me a glimpse of your day. can't wait to see your furniture changes:)

  2. Olive looks so cute and big now!
